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The Potency Of A Work Bestie

Rayy Babalola

So, there's been much talk about mentors, inspirational speakers, coaches, etc. but little about work besties.

Work besties are a friendly yet potent game-changer for anyone lucky enough to recognise them.

You know that "best bud" who is in on your plans and looks out to help you achieve them, who knows just about everyone and everything you need to get more visibility, learn more, or even earn more. You need people like that in your corner.

I should know; as an Agile Specialist who has worked with over 20 companies spanning across various industries, I've had such great support from my work besties, I honestly would not have come this far without their input.

Here are a few ways that having a work 'bestie' can revolutionise your work life;

1. Getting Up To Speed; Scaling The Hurdles Of 'Work Politics'.

The fact is, there are just some things you will never know unless someone gives you the inside scoop.

Every work environment has its fair share of politics; there are lots of information on a "need-to-know" basis. Privy only to a few, enjoyed by a few.

And sometimes, the information is available but just isn't getting to you early enough for you to take action.

I mean, It's tough out there!

Yes, you can plow through life to achieve those dreams on your own, sweat, blood, and whatnot, but you would be missing out on great intel that could get you closer to your goals in no time.

Your network is indeed your net worth. It's even better when it's your best bud!

A work 'bestie' is more likely to call you up when they find information that relates to what you do or suggests your work to prospective clients or bosses when opportunities come up.

2. Up-Skilling

In today's world, where the work scene is becoming increasingly competitive, updating your skills is key to standing out and remaining relevant. Knowing what skills to update is quite as important.

Some people, for instance, learnt to leverage LinkedIn and other social media platforms for their work or business not necessarily because they knew how to, but because they had a work bestie who put them through or helped get the right trainer or team to help them.

Whether it is recommending a course, technical skill, or just some vital information on upskilling, having a work bestie is always of great advantage.

I’d go as far as saying 40% of my skills came from my work beasties, from learning how to laminate, filing and keep an office organised, to crating pivot tables in Excel, to creating spreadsheets and reports on MS projects, down to Jira configurations. Having these skills

3. Moral Support

No one pushes you to succeed more than a work bestie, and no one gets your anxieties and the challenges of your work more.

If “having your best interest” was a person, it would be a work bestie. When you need that boost of confidence, no one reminds you of why "you've got this", “no you didn’t overreact” or “you were right” like a work bestie.

And yes, things don't always work out as planned, but a great work bestie knows just how to encourage you.

Look around you, can you tell who your work bestie is?


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